Is your child fidgety, impulsive, and over-active?  Does he or she act without thinking things through?  Does he struggle to stay focused on tasks that he doesn’t find interesting, even though he can play video games for hours?  Does it take forever for her to complete homework?  Does his teacher say he’s not getting enough work done in school?  Does she forget to bring papers home from school, or to write down assignments?  Does he lose or misplace things- hats, jackets, school books, reading books, toys?  Do you need to tell her to do something a dozen times before it gets done?  Does he forget what he went upstairs to get?  Do you always have to remind her to do the same thing, such as clearing her place at the table or hanging up her towel?  Does he interrupt conversations, or struggle to listen and “take turns” appropriately?

These are just a few of the possible behaviors that can be due to problems with attention, concentration, and impulse control.  These children often struggle to persist with tasks and to “filter” sounds or sights that they don’t need to attend to.  These behaviors are due to neurological problems that we call ADD or ADHD.  They can be managed with a combination of interventions, but the first step is always a comprehensive evaluation that includes a parent interview, skilled testing of your child, and understanding any other factors that might make it harder for your child to “pay attention”, such as a learning problem.  To understand why your child behaves as he does, you need to work with a skilled evaluator who can document your child’s strengths, weaknesses, and learning style.  You need information, and you need a plan.

Our services can determine what your child needs to get back on track.  Click here to find out more.